作者档案。 REFORM护肤品

Why you need Salicylic Acid in your daily skincare routine.

Have you met our REFORM Skincare Salicylic Acid Foaming Cleanser? For those of us of the oily skin persuasion, Salicylic Acid can be a real game changer. Blemishes can be a headache at any age. It’s important to have the right tools to help your skin unclog and repair. What is Salicylic Acid? Salicylic acid […]

Your ultimate defence against breakouts

We live in a world where social media has created false beauty standards, and whether we want to admit it or not, blemishes can really knock our confidence. Blemishes can happen to anyone from teenagers to adult but thankfully with good skincare we can help drastically reduce their appearance and in some cases, completely prevent […]


我们为什么要使用烟酰胺?我们在护肤品中使用这种成分的原因有很多,其中一些因素包括。它能帮助建立角蛋白,使皮肤保持紧致。 它还可以帮助治疗色素沉着,老年斑和皮肤上的黑斑。研究表明,它可以是有益的抗衰老,[...] 。

新 - 抗斑霜即将推出。

REFORM护肤品一直在努力为您带来新的和创新的产品。 我们很高兴地宣布,在未来几周内,我们将推出新的REFORM Skincare抗斑霜。这款产品的配方是为了对抗斑点,炎症性皮肤问题和斑点。这款轻盈的乳霜是由烟酰胺,锌和[...]的配方。